My Day At Home

My name is Aisya and I live in Manchester, UK. As you all know, covid 19 is spreading and we are all on total lockdown so we are being homeschooled and having fun at the same time! We are doing a quantity of things to uplift our knowledge and to learn more about the outside world. Yesterday, I read an artical about sloths in Central America and South America.and I also learned that they hold Ironman sloth games annually. Did you know that they do a 1 meter 'dash', how fast a sloth can consume up a hibiscus flower and how long a sloth can hold onto a branch before landing on soft ground. I also sewed a cupcake trinket box my friend gave to me as an early birthday present. the Lego challange yesterday was to build a rollercoaster so i built a funhouse with a rollercoaster included in it.

It took me a day to sew this.
Today, my mum created a timetable in her special, black book for me and my siblings. It included: playing, making craft, reading, learning about the states of America, learn algebra, practise some spellings, play piano, do one of  the Lego challange and make my first entry for my first blog! We all woke up this morning and straight away we were reading our books (mine was Diary of a Wimpy Kid the Meltdown). We then did PE with Joe for 20 minutes. Some of the moves were hard like the mountain climber as the carpet was very slippy! My favourite fitness move was the plank because gives your core muscles a workout (the others found it very hard so they really did not like it).

 After that, I learned algebra. The topic was simplifying equations with brackets including minus numbers. We had lunch in the garden and played a bit of football. Next, I did the lego challange day 2 (build a rocket) and built a mini rocket with a spaceman coming out of it whilst holding a golden flag. Next, I made my blog (it took a long time) and I am writing an entry of my day so far. 

Day 1 Lego Challenge: Rollercoasters.

Day 2 Lego Challange: Rockets.

Thanks for reading



Aisya Nazrim said…
My first entry!!!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations on your first entry Aisya. Keep up the good work. I would love to continue reading your adventures. Ibu
Anonymous said…
Tahniah from tokwan Ramli. A very good entry. Keep on writing your exciting experience.
ikram said…
Congratulations on your first entry. Keep it up and do a good job! Paklang and Maklang will wait!
Anonymous said…
Makndak lovee your blogg! Keep up with the daily adventurous story! Id rather read your blog than any books out there hehe
Adyani Ramli said…
Congratulations on your 1st entry aisya.... can’t wait to read your next entry & new adventure coming up next!!!
Keep on writing & share with us ...
Good job !!! We love u ...Mmuuaahhhh
AisyaNazrim said…
Thank you Mak long, Pak lang, mak lang, Tok wan and ibu for the best comments, You make me want to write some more.

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