Pizza Pizza

Today, my mum suggested my sister and I make 3 mini pizzas for lunch. She also asked my brother to make brownies with her. We all woke up and opened our home school (I knew that I would have a lot of fun today because we had so much fun yesterday).  I decided to draw a greyscale (black and white), shaded picture of my blue, metallic hydroflask. I think it looks very realistic. Share what you think of my drawing in the comments. After that, my sister and I made the pizzas.

Me with my drawing. I had to be very careful with the shading and I really did not want a single line out of place because I want it to look neat. I also put the shadow of my bottle to make it look even more realistic.

Instructions to make a mini pizza

Serves one person.

1.First, preheat the oven to gas mark 5.
2.Second, mix in a cup of flour with a half-cup of water (ratio from flour to water is 2:1).
3.Flour your surface and knead the dough on that surface. Place the dough into a circular pan for the oven.
4.Then, add tomato paste mixed with oregano and ketchup to the flatbread dough and spread it with the back of the spoon.
 5.Add toppings of your choice (do not forget to add the cheese) and bake for 20 minutes.

 Kneading the dough. It is a tricky process as it very sticky when you first take it out of the bowl.
Top Tip: Make sure to keep flouring the dough to prevent it from sticking                  to your hands.

Ready for the oven!!!

A few minutes after putting the pizzas into the oven, I could smell the delicious ingredients. I thought, "The cheese must have been totally melted by this stage."

Me with my baked pizza. When we took the pizzas out of the oven, I saw the crispy-looking crust, the melted cheese and the bright red tomato paste glistening in the sunlight from the window. I felt like I could gobble it up in one mouthful.

We all had picnic in the garden and had some fun altogether.
The tin with the brown in it is the brownies my brother made. The plate with the yellow objects on it is the ripe and fresh honeydew melon. When I was eating my pizza, I could taste all the flavours and textures coming at me. The chewyness of the sausages (it is optional to put in the pizza: I just wanted to), the crunchiness of the crust, the stringiness of the cheese and the strong smell of the oregano in the tomato paste.

If you are making the pizza, tell me about it in the comments. Have fun!!!



Aisya Nazrim said…
It's pizza day!!!
Anonymous said…
Great entry Aisya!! Loves your flask drawing and that pizza looks delicious. Too bad its already gone when I got home. Baba
Anonymous said…
Yummy Pizza, thank you for sharing the recipe. I might try it someday.
Anonymous said…
Tahniah aisya...very good entry
ikram said…
Make it for me and maklang... please..
Anonymous said… looks delicious
Buat tok terliur๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹
Anonymous said…
Pizzaa looks so yumm aisya, and make for everyone please! Ill pay for it!
Adyani Ramli said…
OMG, your flask drawing looks soo real!! I love the shading n toning you’ve make with the pencil...
And not to forget, thanks for the PIZZA’s give me idea what to cook today ...hehehe
It’s look yummy & I’m happy all of u are happy picnicking n enjoying your holiday...
Tokwan said…
Thumbs up to your creative drawing. Apa nama pizza tu? Nice to see that y'all still can had fun outside the house during this hardtime of lockdown.
Aisya Nazrim said…
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Aisya Nazrim said…
thank you tokwan, tok, maklong, paklang and friends for leaving comments. It makes me feel happy that you are reading my blog!

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